Our Mission And Vision

At Arlington UMC we strive to be a place where people new and old, passing through or here to stay can be encouraged and challenged to

reach up to God in worship and prayer, reach deep through connecting with God’s word, and reach out with the welcoming and loving hands of Jesus Christ.  Whether you still have questions about the Christian faith, are a newly converted Christian, or have spent a lifetime walking with Jesus we welcome you to take your next steps toward Jesus, together with us.

Leadership Team

Joy Bruder, Pastor

My name is Joy Bruder and I have been appointed the pastor of Arlington UMC starting July 1, 2023. I grew up in a Christian home in the Twin Cities, and I have been a pastor since 2014, after graduating from Bethel Seminary in St. Paul.

Jean Olson, Lay Secretary

Jean’s main responsibility is to provide secretarial and administrative services to the pastor, councils, committees, and other Church organizations. Jean prepares the Church’s bulletin and other parish communication. She also maintains the membership records of the Church.

Jan Meyers, Music Director

Jan is the director of music at AUMC.  Providing piano/organ music for Sunday worship services. Jan does the fantastic work of directing our choir; including choosing music and preparing the choir during the months of September-May.