Meet Our Missionaries
Mary Anderson
Victory World Missions Training Center IVBI, Tulsa, Oklahoma Mary is originally from Gaylord, Minnesota. Mary Anderson will be moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma in early September to pursue her passion for missions and serving the Lord. After some training in Tulsa, she will be serving as a missionary in Haiti, India, and then wherever the Lord leads her! International Victory Bible Institute (IVBI) has helped hundreds of missionaries and national ministers start and grow Bible training schools. We have a desire to see believers equipped with the full armor of God so that they can live victoriously and do the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12 and 6:13-18). Address: 29376 501 Ave, Gaylord, MN 55334 Email:
Sorenson Family
D.O.O.R. International, Deaf Opportunity OutReach Mark is originally from Arlington, Minnesota, while Lyndalou (Lulu) comes from upstate New York. Both came to know Christ at a young age. Both Mark and Lulu attended the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) in Rochester, NY, but never met there. Wherever they live, Mark, Lulu, and their 7 Deaf and hard-of-hearing children, serve as a living, breathing object lesson to the Deaf about what a godly Deaf family can be. Many Deaf do not have much communication with their parents, and so never really see or understand what marriage and parenting are all about. Deaf people sometimes cry when they see the Sorenson kids tell Bible stories and apply them to their lives, or sing praise songs to the Lord in Sign Language. DOOR is a non-denominational Christian mission organization of many Deaf people (and a few hearing people) with a big vision and a big God. Address: P.O. Box 97487, Raleigh, NC 27624 Email:
Lee and Laurinda Erickson
The Seed Company, Wycliffe International The seed Company enables foreign nationals to translate God’s Word for their own people. We link mother-tongue Bible translation projects with investors (individuals, groups, and churches) who can provide the prayer, financial and technical resources needed to do the work. Lee is Executive Assistant to the Field Team Director of The Seed Company. He advises, mentors and administrates a team of ten Field Coordinators who facilitate Seed Company sponsorship of over 220 Bible translation projects in 45 countries around the world. These are projects that are being done by mother tongue translators. The majority are located in sensitive-access areas and involve large unreached people groups. Laurinda serves as administrative assistant to Lee by editing Field Team documents and researching translation projects under review. Address: 1313 Vanderbilt Drive, Longview, Texas 75601 Email: or